fat club
I read a report somewhere a while back about some research that showed when a woman moves in with a man she tends to put on weight, just because of eating to keep up with him. It was probably done with a total sample size of about 17 , and the results probably got mangled in the media version, but I think I'm living proof that there's some truth in it. After more than a year of this malarkey, all those extra pounds are finally starting to demand urgent attention.
So, as of last week, I'm not eating to keep up any more: I'm cutting down on the amount I'm eating, not just at shared meals but all the time. So I'm a wee bit hungry, but feeling very virtuous. It's not a proper diet, obviously, it's just an Eating Less Strategy. And it doesn't survive particularly well at weekends it turns out ... but the situation isn't that urgent, after all.
Oh, and just a nod to Popperian falsification (I'm still planning to read Feyerabend you know) - obviously I'm not living *proof* of the women-eat-more-with-men claim, I'm only "evidence consistent with".
So, as of last week, I'm not eating to keep up any more: I'm cutting down on the amount I'm eating, not just at shared meals but all the time. So I'm a wee bit hungry, but feeling very virtuous. It's not a proper diet, obviously, it's just an Eating Less Strategy. And it doesn't survive particularly well at weekends it turns out ... but the situation isn't that urgent, after all.
Oh, and just a nod to Popperian falsification (I'm still planning to read Feyerabend you know) - obviously I'm not living *proof* of the women-eat-more-with-men claim, I'm only "evidence consistent with".
hey! just wondering if you're still going strong with your 'eat less' resolution. if your success at 'i really will get up at 7.30 tomorrow' is anything to go by, probably not. :D
Anonymous, at 3:59 pm
ah yes, we all know how well catherine sticks to those resolutions of hers...
Anonymous, at 4:07 pm
Ha ha ... actually j obliquely complimented me on my lovely slim figure this afternoon ... turns out i'm better at dieting than getting up, if u must know =)
cath, at 6:24 pm
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