cranmer anniversary
Thomas Cranmer was executed four hundred and fifty years ago today, on 21 March 1556. He was Henry VIII's archbishop, who came round to more or less reformed views on the nature of the Lord's Supper and rejected the authority of the Pope. When Mary became queen he was tried for heresy and actually recanted, but later he recovered his courage, repudiated his recantation, and ended up being burnt at the stake (after witnessing Latimer and Ridley being put to death the same way). By then he was firm enough in his beliefs that he put his hand which had signed his recantation into the flames first of all so that everyone watching would know how ashamed he was of recanting.
It was actually Thought for the Day which reminded me about him, strangely enough.
It was actually Thought for the Day which reminded me about him, strangely enough.
Hey! My first post!:)
He's been mentioned quite a lot in the B-wick services this year. Christian Witness (walk & life) is the theme. Haven't listened to thought for the day in ages! What were they saying?:) Will be curious to understand todays outlook on that event. Were they making parallels with todays violence?
Anonymous, at 3:25 pm
hey hannah! great to hear from u! :)
hmm, I usually try to be out of earshot when TFTD is on, just cos i get too frustrated to listen!
But from what i remember in my dopey state yesterday, he got quite a positive review. I think the speaker was an Anglican bishop or something. He started off by saying something along the lines that burning someone to death is always nasty, and when done in the name of the state and religion, it's barbaric. Good point, i thot!
He also talked a bit about how Cranmer spearheaded the "evangelical reformation", and if i remember right, he also said how giving the bible to the people was the number one reason for the democratisation of ... um ... i was going to say the british isles but it was probably only England in those days!
cath, at 10:49 am
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