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Saturday, April 29, 2006

perhaps he shouldn't

Things you have to laugh about. Election leaflets in John Prescott's constituency have included one with a picture of him and his wife in 'domestic harmony,' according to this report - more than slightly unfortunate given the recent publicity over his affair with a secretary.

The local council leader defended Mr Prescott by saying that public opinion remained fairly positive. "People have said he shouldn't have done it and perhaps he shouldn't but it's done now isn't it."

Yeah, perhaps, on reflection, he shouldn't have cheated on his wife with a woman who was going to marry another man. Maybe that was a bit, you know, iffy. Perhaps he did slip up a wee bit there.

But it is done now, isn't it. So now we see the deputy prime minister in a different light - as someone who can't be trusted to behave honourably towards his own wife or treat his office staff with decency. It's no excuse to say that these things only happen in people's personal lives - it's the personal lives of public people who expect us to trust them to run the country. If it was scandalous in the Tories, it's every bit as scandalous in New Labour. Time for a change, methinks.


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