somewhere north east of gandhi
I've located myself on the political compass at coordinates -3.13, -2.92, or mildly to the left economically and faintly libertarian. I'm not sure whether I should be pleased or not. Answer the questions for yourself and see whereabouts you end up (although be prepared to go into some detail) - then let me know, so that I can decide whether to be alarmed or reassured.
After you've done that, drop by here and read an article on Tony Blair's skill at boiling frogs. Don't let the source of the article put you off, even if you'd prefer your coordinates to be firmly in the authoritarian right, because it's talking about issues which should bother anyone who cares about democracy. (It even quotes Ken Clarke and David Davis ...)
Finally, I somehow came across this campaign, dramatically named Except it's not so laughable when you find out what it's all about: the legislation which the government wants to bring in under the guise of cutting red tape, but which actually gives any minister the power to change almost any piece of legislation by him/herself, without consulting parliament. I can't remember if I've written about it here before - I've a feeling that an awareness-raising article about it by the Lawyers Christian Fellowship was featured in the English Churchman several issues back (I know I couldn't find the issue in question when I looked for it some time ago, which suggests that I might not have taken the risk of quoting from memory.) But again, the fact that the English Churchman and the Independent are singing from the same, erm, hymnsheet on this one goes to show that these issues cut across traditional divides, and indicates there are some pretty serious problems developing on our collective hands.
After you've done that, drop by here and read an article on Tony Blair's skill at boiling frogs. Don't let the source of the article put you off, even if you'd prefer your coordinates to be firmly in the authoritarian right, because it's talking about issues which should bother anyone who cares about democracy. (It even quotes Ken Clarke and David Davis ...)
Finally, I somehow came across this campaign, dramatically named Except it's not so laughable when you find out what it's all about: the legislation which the government wants to bring in under the guise of cutting red tape, but which actually gives any minister the power to change almost any piece of legislation by him/herself, without consulting parliament. I can't remember if I've written about it here before - I've a feeling that an awareness-raising article about it by the Lawyers Christian Fellowship was featured in the English Churchman several issues back (I know I couldn't find the issue in question when I looked for it some time ago, which suggests that I might not have taken the risk of quoting from memory.) But again, the fact that the English Churchman and the Independent are singing from the same, erm, hymnsheet on this one goes to show that these issues cut across traditional divides, and indicates there are some pretty serious problems developing on our collective hands.
on the questionnaire i got -2.75, 2.05 so that means i'm a bit to the left and a bit authoritarian. although i didn't understand it all so it's just an idea. does that scandalise you cath? :)
Anonymous, at 1:47 pm
What's all this about being on the left!! I'm appalled, frankly. Next you'll be telling us that in fact, Karl Marx had the right idea about how to organise and run the economy. Really??
Anonymous, at 9:55 pm
Um, I didn't exactly set out to end up on the left actually ... just answered the questions and that's how it turned out! Why don't you do it yourself and let me know if it puts you where you'd expect, then we can talk about whether it's likely to be an accurate reading or not? (Who are you anyway?)
Although, in my defence, part of the point of it was to break down the traditional left/right divide, partly by introducing that libertarian/authoritarian axis as well. Guess you should look at the site, save me explaining it all here.
Meanwhile, what scandalises me most is realising that I was talking about coordinates WITHOUT USING BRACKETS. Anne, I see you've committed the same sloppy mistake: you should be ashamed. What would Mr McSween SAY if he could see us now?
cath, at 11:50 am
C'mon. Shiddip.
Anonymous, at 2:42 pm
oh how could we? cim ON
Anonymous, at 2:46 pm
HAH!! do DOO do do-do
Anonymous, at 2:47 pm
I was (-2.50), (1.03). I found myself strongly agreeing with some things that Americans, for instance would see as being quite left wing, while strongly agreeing with some issues that do not fit the British politically correct humanist system, but affect what God tells me in the Bible.
PeterinScotland, at 12:02 am
hey cath, i'm apparently(-2.85,2.87), so kinda lefty, kinda authoritarian, which i would have said anyway for myself. hmmmm, what DOES it all mean?
Anonymous, at 5:47 pm
Well, I'm relieved to see that everyone so far has been leftwards inclined; however i'm alone in being libertarian as well. I've no idea what it means, but re Peter's comments, i was interested to see that my strong views on things like abortion didn't pull me too far to the right (or to authoritarianism? hard to remember what axis you're talking about half the time). Hmmm, do y'all think I should stop reading the guardian?
cath, at 11:02 pm
And also, what's with you guys having blogger profiles and no blog?? Start writing some stuff, then i can link to you :-) (I keep wanting to link to other blogs but it just feels a bit daft when you don't really know the people, you know?)
cath, at 11:04 pm
but you see, blogging is for people with too much time on their hands
Anonymous, at 2:53 pm
Meaning it's time for you to get started too then =)
cath, at 4:24 pm
I got Economic Left/Right: 0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.87. Safely in the right quadrant I feel. I shall sleep sweetly tonight.
Anonymous, at 10:38 pm
My result: -2.63, 0.31.
I usually have little time for people who sit on the fence...its usually the most uncomfortable place to be. However, I am right on the line between authoritarian and libertarian. I suppose that pleases everybody. The bit that surprised me was that my compass pointed more to the left than the right. I always expected myself to be a bit of a right-footer. However, wiser people than I have determined that I am a leftie. Dear knows how far to the left I would have been if I hadn't been so conservative with my views on page 6. However, those opinions are in keeping with the Bible which is the ultimate authority on morals as it is on many other things.
Regards to all. <><
Anonymous, at 11:15 pm
Economic Left/Right: -2.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.23
well there you have it john, im not quite as fascist as you tell me i am =) and it turns out im a lefty, how depressing! im going to put it down to cath's wooliness tickling me into submission
Anonymous, at 10:38 pm
I got Economic Left/Right: -3.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.44 but wasn't all that sure what it meant!
Anonymous, at 8:23 pm
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