Just wondering whether I should move over to Wordpress instead. I'm playing around with it but haven't completely decided. The biggest problem is that I've just switched to the beta version of Blogger. And you can't import your old posts into Wordpress from the new Blogger. You could with the old version, but as of several hours ago, that's not an option any more. We shall see.
What would be the advantage of switching to Wordpress? I've thought about Wordpress, too, but I don't know (not being a computer geek) what I would be gaining if I switched.
richard zuelch, at 6:15 pm
I was annoyed cos I had to sign up for an account with google before switching to the new version of blogger ... and now that i've switched, not much seems to have changed. With WordPress things are easier to manage, and also i like the themes better! But don't switch to the new Blogger before moving to Wordpress, otherwise you won't be able to import all your old posts!! (this is what i've just gone and done, oh joy)
cath, at 7:49 pm
Too late! I signed up for the new Blogger some time back, on the assumption that Blogger is more or less forcing all Blogger bloggers to do so.
Guess I'm stuck.
richard zuelch, at 11:00 pm
Aww don't be stuck! I'm moving a random selection of posts with me and i'll just leave the rest of them here. If you do it before you write too much stuff it'd be easier ... otoh they might write a script for the new blogger too if you wait long enough?!
you get a much cooler dashboard over at wordpress and it's much easier to customise the sidebar (add links etc). It gives you stats for free as well, you don't have to add your own counter to the page (well actually you can't unless you pay for a version with more features, afaics). You also get a preview of exactly what your post is going to look like in your chosen theme etc.
cath, at 3:34 pm
It turns out you CAN move all your posts to Wordpress - just don't ask me how it's done. me no understand computer-geeky stuff...
richard zuelch, at 11:00 pm
seriously?! that's very cool. have u done it? i've found the 'import' tool in wordpress but it's all festooned with warnings that it won't work with the new blogger (blogger beta) ... what am i missing?
cath, at 1:27 am
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