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Thursday, March 30, 2006

it's an earnest and genuine call

Here is a quote from Dr John Kennedy, minister in Dingwall, Scotland (sometime in the nineteenth century). He addresses two questions: "1. Why, if God designed only the salvation of some, does he address the gospel call to all without distinction? And 2. How can an earnest call be addressed by God to those whom he does not love?" This is his answer to the second question.

Genuine and earnest the gospel call must be, (a) because it presents a claim in behalf of Jesus Christ. He is infinitely worthy of confidence. He is so in the view of God. His eye rests on the glory of his beloved Son as Jesus Christ when he calls sinners to believe in his name. Till I suspect that God is not in earnest in saying, "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased," I cannot suspect his earnestness in saying, "Kiss ye the Son."

It must be so, (b) because it is a call to accept of Christ as a Saviour in whom the love of God is free, and delights to save all who come to him. His call to me as a sinner, as it points me to salvation by grace in Christ, is expressive of all the earnestness inspired by God's delight in mercy.

It must be so also (c) because salvation by grace is to the praise of his glory. This is the terminus to which he calls the sinner. His call is therefore expressive of all the earnestness of his zeal for his own glory.

And it must be so (d) as a call to believe, because once it has pleased God to testify regarding Jesus Christ, it cannot be a matter of indifference to him whether men believe or not. His zeal for the claims of his own truth, and for the honour of his name as the God of truth, pours an infinite tide of earnestness into "the word of faith."

(Quoted from Man's Relations to God, p46-47 in the edition published by the James Begg Society)

In other words, the gospel has relevance to everyone who hears it, not because they might be elect, but because it is God's truth, which they are obligated to believe, just because it is true, and because it has God's authority behind it. This might not be the clearest way it's been expressed, though, so if I find someone else saying the same thing, I'll let you know.


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